Strategic Instruction Model (SIM™)
Comprehensive, evidence-based instructional tools and programs that empower teachers and enable students to better succeed in school and beyond.
SIM What, Why, & How
What: Instructional Tools and interventions
Why: Impact
SIM has been improving the lives of teachers and learners since 1978. Find out some of the ways in which our work has changed lives for the better.
How: Access SIM
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SIM Credentials
SIM micro-credentials put your knowledge on display. Micro-credentials, commonly known as badges, recognize your investment in professional learning and your dedication to giving your students the evidence-based interventions and tools that can make a difference in their lives.
SIM Events
Visit the SIM Events page for news on all upcoming events, conferences, webinars, online professional development, and more.
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SIM Overview
What People are Saying About our Materials and Services
Read these testimonials from individuals who have implemented SIM.
Willie, former SIM student and current Learning Strategies educator, FL
The power of SIM (when in the hands of someone who really cares), is giving kids a pathway to success, no matter what they struggle with. Seeing students achieve with Learning Strategies, when they’ve previously struggled, is the best reward.
Tina, GA
Since implementing and delivering SIM strategies, not only has student performance improved, but students frequently report that they actually used a strategy in another content area and that they felt more successful and less anxious by doing so.
Bonnie, TN
I don't know why this isn't all over the world at this point, and everyone isn't doing it because it works every time. If you implement with fidelity, your kids will grow.
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What's Happening with SIM
Aug. 2024 - KUCRL was recently notified it will receive a cooperative agreement award from the U.S. Library of Congress. The project, titled “Citizen Journalism for All Students: Making Journalism in Action’s Library of Congress resources more accessible and relevant for students with disabilities,” will be led by Suzanne Myers and Jocelyn Washburn.
July 2024 - SIM News: Grant to test AI integration with KU CRL literacy program for students with disabilities.
April 2024 - KUCRL is highlighted in @LPI_Learning’s new report exploring 10 key features for redesigning high schools to create better learning environments. Check it out:
January 2024 - SIM Educator Newsletter is online at:
November 2023 - New SIM StoryCorps: Becoming a Better Teacher with SIM -
September 2023 - Check out the Fall SIM Educator Newsletter at:
July 2023 - New article from CRL Researchers Jocelyn Washburn and Suzanne Myers. Adolescents’ perspectives about their connective and digital literacies skills. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy.
June 2023 - SIM Strategies are featured in a new book from Susanne Croasdaile and Samantha Layne. Building Executive Function and Motivation in the Middle Grades: A Universal Design for Learning Approach
May 2023 - New SIM Forum article: Using the Decision-Making Routine for IEP and Post-Secondary Goal Development, Darren Minarik -
July 2024 - SIM News: Grant to test AI integration with KU CRL literacy program for students with disabilities.
April 2024 - KUCRL is highlighted in @LPI_Learning’s new report exploring 10 key features for redesigning high schools to create better learning environments. Check it out:
January 2024 - SIM Educator Newsletter is online at:
November 2023 - New SIM StoryCorps: Becoming a Better Teacher with SIM -
September 2023 - Check out the Fall SIM Educator Newsletter at:
July 2023 - New article from CRL Researchers Jocelyn Washburn and Suzanne Myers. Adolescents’ perspectives about their connective and digital literacies skills. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy.
June 2023 - SIM Strategies are featured in a new book from Susanne Croasdaile and Samantha Layne. Building Executive Function and Motivation in the Middle Grades: A Universal Design for Learning Approach
May 2023 - New SIM Forum article: Using the Decision-Making Routine for IEP and Post-Secondary Goal Development, Darren Minarik -
SIM Online Class: The Framing Routine
SIM Online Class: Fundamentals of Paraphrasing and Summarizing Strategy
SIM Online Class: The Paragraph Writing Strategy
SIM Online Class: Possible Selves
SIM Online Class: Sentence Writing Strategies (Fundamentals and Proficiency)
SIM Online Class: Unit Organizer Routine
Oct. 22, 2024 - Northeast (VA) SIM Update Conference for Professional Developers and Specialists
SIM Online Class: Fundamentals of Paraphrasing and Summarizing Strategy
SIM Online Class: The Paragraph Writing Strategy
SIM Online Class: Possible Selves
SIM Online Class: Sentence Writing Strategies (Fundamentals and Proficiency)
SIM Online Class: Unit Organizer Routine
Oct. 22, 2024 - Northeast (VA) SIM Update Conference for Professional Developers and Specialists
-SIM provides students with tools to solve problems independently.
-SIM emphasizes teaching routines that allow teachers to organize and present curriculum content in straightforward, easy-to-learn ways.
Our research confirms that quality teaching materials greatly enhance teachers’ ability to provide quality instruction in their classrooms. Our long-standing commitment to and investment in developing these instructional supports—teacher manuals, student learning sheets, scoring rubrics, and technology supports—underscore the importance we place on this aspect of our work. For more than 40 years, we have worked directly with classroom teachers to develop materials that improve the learning experience for students and the teaching experience for teachers. As a result, we have the research, success stories, and the proven track record to help school succeed in meeting the needs of their students.
-SIM emphasizes teaching routines that allow teachers to organize and present curriculum content in straightforward, easy-to-learn ways.
Our research confirms that quality teaching materials greatly enhance teachers’ ability to provide quality instruction in their classrooms. Our long-standing commitment to and investment in developing these instructional supports—teacher manuals, student learning sheets, scoring rubrics, and technology supports—underscore the importance we place on this aspect of our work. For more than 40 years, we have worked directly with classroom teachers to develop materials that improve the learning experience for students and the teaching experience for teachers. As a result, we have the research, success stories, and the proven track record to help school succeed in meeting the needs of their students.
The Strategic Instruction Model was developed at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning.