SIM Professional Developer Resources
Your Active Status as a SIM Professional Developer provides access to these resources. You must attend a conference every two years to maintain your active status. StrateWorks subscriptions are now included in the price of the conference (take a video tour of the resources page).
SIMVille is the online repostitory of tools and resources accessible to SIM Professional Developers subscribed to Strateworks. The password to SIMville changes at least once every 180 days per University of Kansas security regulations. Each Stratenotes Newsletter email includes the current SIMville password.
The StrateNotes Newsletter
The StrateNotes Newsletter is online. You have to log in to SIMville to access it. SIM Professional Developers subscribed to StrateWorks receive an email when a new StrateNotes edition is posted.
The StrateDirectory
Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date! If you change jobs, please change your information here.
It is important to complete the "Edit Your Profile" section to establish whether your profile is public, to highlight your expertise, and to let us know whether you would like to be contacted for referrals for professional development inquiries we receive at the Center, research opportunities, mentoring, or tutoring. You can also sign up on the Directory for SIMTRAINER-L, the email discussion group for SIM Professional Developers.
Your Professional Developer Micro-Credentials on BadgeList
Click to join the credentials established by KUCRL for:
- SIM Content Enhancement Professional Developers
- SIM Content Enhancement Preservice Professional Developers
- SIM Learning Strategies Professional Developers
- SIM Learning Strategies Preservice Professional Developers
Support from the KUCRL
Jocelyn Washburn (
Mona Tipton (
Peony Allen (
Renew your StrateWorks online on the KUCRL online store
You can renew your StrateWorks Subscription online. Click on the shop link (above), then log in to your Professional Developer Account using the button in the upper right corner and enter "StrateWorks" in the search bar. You can still receive the StrateNotes Newsletter if you subscribe to StrateWorks, even if you are unable to attend a conference.

SIM Work Group & Cadre Information
SIM Work Groups are made up of SIM Network members and were devised to enhance support to the SIM Network and to bring important materials/resources to teachers and students.
Other Resources and Tools:
- SIM Brochures Website - The most up to date SIM Brochures with current data and the What’s, Why’s and How’s of SIM
- SIM Alignment with Other Practices Website - Crosswalks between SIM and other commonly used instructional practices.
- SIM Forum - An online space for sharing SIM ideas and views.
- SIM Story Corps - Candid conversations about what’s really important in the field of education: students, connections, hope, success.
- SIM Specialist Resource Pages - Full of outstanding resources, specialists will have access to pages for their credentials.