What are SIM Mnemonics?
You may have heard the Strategic Instruction Model referred to as "Kansas Strategies" or maybe you've used one of the following mnemonics in your classroom already!

Some of the SIM Mnemonics:
- DISSECT - used for decoding difficult words
part of the SIM Word Identification Strategy - SLANT - used to create a more active and positive learning environment
part of the SIM SLANT Strategy - RAP - used to improve reading comprehension
part of the SIM Paraphrasing Strategy - PENS - used to improve sentence writing
used in the SIM Writing Strategies - INFER - helps you understand that when you "infer" something, you are making a deduction based on information given, not explicitly stated
part of the SIMInference Strategy - PIRATES - used to help students remember the steps involved in a test-taking strategy
part of the SIMTest-Taking Strategy - COPS - used to help students edit their writing by checking for key elements
part of the SIM Error-Monitoring Strategy
We would love to help you use these strategies to their full capacity through the inclusion of our evidence based instructional tools and programs.
Mnemonics are used to:
Learn how to learn:
Learn how to paraphrase critical information, picture information to aid in understanding and remembering, ask questions and make predeictions while reading different kinds of texts, and identify unknown words in reading assignments.
Prepare for tasks:
Develop mnemonics and other devices to help memorize facts and learn new vocabulary.
Express ideas and demonstrate knowledge:
Write sentences, paragraphs, and themes; monitor written work for errors; and confidently take tests.