SIM Micro-Credentials for Educators

"Images of Micro-credentials"

Strategic Instruction Model™ micro-credentials put your SIM knowledge on display. Micro-credentials, commonly known as badges, recognize your investment in professional learning and your dedication to giving your students the evidence-based interventions and tools that can make a difference in their lives.

Five levels of SIM micro-credentials indicate increasingly deeper levels of learning and practice. The micro-credentials can be earned individually, and subsequent levels can build upon previous levels.

Professional Learning Credential

This credential indicates that the recipient has participated in a professional learning session to learn how to teach a SIM Learning Strategy, Xtreme Reading, or teach with a Content Enhancement Routine. The SIM Professional Developer who led the workshop or session must submit a post-professional development report to KUCRL and notify KUCRL to award the credential.

Fidelity of Implementation Credential

This credential indicates that the recipient has instructed students with fidelity (through generalization for SIM Learning Strategies), created a portfolio to demonstrate impact and proficient implementation, created a narrative log about implementation, and recorded a video that demonstrates key behaviors for self-reflection and coaching. The recipient must engage in a coaching relationship with a SIM Professional Developer who is active in the SIM network. When all requirements have been met, the SIM Professional Developer notifies KUCRL to award the credential.

SIM Specialist Credential

This credential indicates that the recipient has, under the guidance of a SIM Professional Developer, demonstrated proficiency in instructing others in the use of a strategy (through generalization) or routine with fidelity, guiding the new learner to implement the intervention with fidelity. When all requirements for this credential have been met, the SIM Professional Developer notifies KUCRL to award the credential. This credential allows the recipient to purchase specific SIM materials and teach others how to use them.

SIM Professional Developer Credential

This credential, which can be earned in Learning Strategies, Content Enhancement or Xtreme Reading, indicates that the recipient has fulfilled all SIM Professional Developer criteria set forth by KUCRL.

How do I become a SIM Professional Developer?

SIM Professional Development Leader Credential

This credential indicates that the recipient is credentialed in both Learning Strategies and Content Enhancement, is active and current within the SIM Network, and has met all other requirements set forth by KUCRL.

How do I begin?

What about SIM Reading Program Micro-credentials?

SIM Professional Developers, please check SIMville for PD specific information on working with teachers who are earning their credentials.

SIM Micro-credential Resources


Comments from Educators:

~The micro-credentialing badge program is phenomenal! For someone who loves and needs a checklist to keep track of such a busy life, the badge program lends a streamlined platform to check off each evidence and share experiences with our network of SIM professional developers across the nation. SIM is truly the best kept secret in education, and I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to be a part of and earn micro-credentials with such an impactful organization.

~I truly appreciate that the credentialing program helps not only to recognize teachers for the work they do in the classroom (to bridge the gap for struggling learners); it helps to validate the need for this type of instructional model to build the necessary skills/strategies needed by our students.