SIM™ StoryCorps
SIM StoryCorps is a candid conversation between two SIM Professional Developers about what’s really important in the field of education: students, connections, hope, success. How did SIM contribute to attaining what matters most? Listen to these stories from educators' hearts to find out.
Those who record their SIM stories here, do so to share their common excitement, passion, and hopes for the future. In this way, we are able to build connections across SIM Network members in states across the U.S. and around the world as well as introduce new educators to SIM. When we listen to each other, we can learn so much. Each person’s story matters! Simultaneously, we are creating an invaluable, oral history archive for future generations.
These three guiding questions are offered to partners as they consider the content for candid conversation in relation to SIM: What grabbed you? What kept you? What message do you have for current and future SIM Professional Developers?
After listening, we invite you to find a partner and tell your story. Click here to sign up
Submissions should be audio files, about 5 min. long, in mp3 or mp4 format. Instructions for recording (.pdf)

November 2023: Becoming a Better Teacher with SIM
Janet Atallah and Bonnie PalasakIn this edition of SIM StoryCorps, Bonnie and Janet will talk about how SIM helped them to become better teachers.

March 2023: Expanding Your Horizons with SIM
In this SIM StoryCorps, we’ll hear Pam Leitzell and Gloria Sherman talk about how SIM impacted their teaching and expanded their horizons.
April 2022: SIM Success in the University Classroom and Beyond
In this SIM StoryCorps, we’ll hear Barb Duchardt and Joyce Rademacher, two retired professors of special education and SIM Professional Developers located in Louisiana and Texas reminisce about their SIM success in the university classroom and beyond.

January 2022: How SIM Opens Doors
In this SIM StoryCorps, we’ll hear Helen Barrier, Dana McCaleb and Whitney Miller, SIM Professional Development Leaders and Coordinators at the VDOE’s Training and Technical Assistance Center at Virginia Tech talk about How SIM Has Opened Doors.
September 2021: SIM: Why We’re Still in Education
In this SIM StoryCorps, two SIM Professional Development Leaders, Rosanne Arvin in Florida and Bev Columbo in Missouri, share why SIM has kept them in the field of education for more than 40 years!
May 2021: SIM Goes to Harvard Medical School
Richard Goldhammer and Sue WoodruffIn this SIM StoryCorps, we’ll hear Richard Goldhammer, a SIM Professional Developer in Massachusetts, and Sue Woodruff, a SIM Professional Developer in Michigan, talk about Richard’s experiences with integrating SIM into his work as a learning specialist at Harvard Medical School.

April 2021: Ignited by Student Success and Fueled by Shared Passion
Rosemary Tralli and Jocelyn WashburnIn this first edition of SIM StoryCorps, Rosemary and Jocelyn discuss their work and inspirations.