The Progress Program

Many students just don't know how to behave in class. You know the ones. They are constantly speaking without raising their hands, disrupt ongoing activities, talk to others when they are supposed to be working and neglect to turn in their homework. They are the children who need special attention, and if they don't get that attention, they are not likely to learn the skills targeted for them each year. Over the years, one tool that has helped many children with these types of problems is the Progress Program. Students enrolled in the program carry a modified report card between home and school every day. At school, teachers check the card and note rules obeyed, grades, and homework completed. At home, parents review the card, praise improved performance, and award privileges in the home based on the report card. Parents and teachers work together to make sure the program works, and then they fade out the program after the student has learned appropriate skills and has improved. As a result, students learn the skills they need in any learning situation.
Author(s): Jean B. Schumaker, Melbourne F. Hovell, and James A. Sherman
Publication Info: Edge Enterprises, 1975
Available from Edge Enterprises, Inc.