SIM Virtual Professional Learning: Canvas Course
Possible Selves
Possible Selves is designed to increase student motivation by having students examine their futures and think about goals that are important to them. Students think about and describe their hoped-for possible selves, expected possible selves, and feared possible selves. They set goals, create plans, and work toward their goals as part of this program.
This is a self-paced and self-guided course housed in the Canvas Learning Management System. We estimate that it will take approximately 3 hours to complete.
This time estimate includes time to:
- watch the brief videos,
- complete quick experiential activities in the modules, and
- read the accompanying materials (modest estimate).
Among many individual factors, the length of time will vary due to reading and working speed, or if you implement the lessons with students between participating in the modules.
Register Anytime and Complete the Course at your own pace.
Course Price: $100 (*plus guidebooks)
Participants will receive the following materials as part of their registration: Access to the Possible Selves Strategy Professional Development Course on Canvas.
- *Note: If you do not have them already, you will need to purchase the Possible Selves Strategy guidebook separately through the publisher, Edge Enterprises, Inc.
Registration Step One: Fill out the Online Registration Form
- A new edition of the Possible Selves Strategy was released in 2023. There are Canvas courses available for both Possible Selves (1st edition) and Possible Selves (2nd edition). Please be sure to indicate which you are signing up for on the online registration form.
Registration Step Two: Payment
- To pay by check or purchase order (PO), download the form (.pdf)
- To pay by credit card, visit our online store or call our order desk, 785-864-4780, with your credit card information between 9 am and 4 pm CST.
Registration Step Three: Purchase Guidebook (if you do not already have it)
- If you do not have already have it, you will need to purchase the Possible Selves Strategy guidebook separately through the publisher, Edge Enterprises, Inc.
Refund Policy: There will be no refunds issued for this course.
An accessible version of the documents on this site will be made available upon request. Please contact the KU CRL Professional Development Research Institute, at to request the document be made available in an accessible format.