Technology-Enhanced SIM™ Learning Strategy Instructional Delivery
Instructing with SIM Learning Strategies is looking different than in the past. At the CRL, we wish to support teachers in their transition to instructing LS in varied teaching and learning environments (e.g., remote, virtual, in-person with social distancing). In the future, even when typical classroom instruction resumes, teachers may continue to enhance their LS instruction with technology; thus, we hope this resource will have ongoing relevance.
The table below, Technology Tools Per Stage of Instruction, has been organized around the eight Stages of Instruction incorporated in SIM Learning Strategies. It was developed in collaboration with more than thirty SIM Professional Developers, calling upon their experiences with a wide-range of technology tools. The Stages of Instruction are similar to the instructional sequence within explicit instruction. The interaction between the teacher and students for some stages is similar, given the purpose of the stage, allowing us to combine stages on the table below. For example, the procedures for Stage 1 Pre-test and Make Commitments and Stage 7 Post-test and Make Commitments will require similar technology, so ideas for technology tools are provided in one row.
There is a large volume of incredibly useful technology tools available to educators today. Therefore, quality over quantity is key, especially for systematic use of technology tools. We want to focus on technology tools that support instruction of content more than tools that are designed primarily for practice drills or memorization of facts. Additionally, when possible, it is important to select technology tools that can be used routinely (i.e., during LS-focused instruction and other types of instruction, and by several teachers with the same group of students). Thus, teachers will want to select high-utility tools that are generalizable across different settings. Another factor is to select tools that allow for high-touch, which means the technology promotes the ability to communicate often with students to address a lack of connection teachers and students experience during remote teaching and learning. Finally, considerations for digital equity are paramount. Thus, we’ve organized technology suggestions by low-tech, mid-tech, and high-tech. Click here to listen to Nanette Fritschmann describe these overall considerations.

Another approach to selecting appropriate technology-enhancements for instructional delivery with SIM Learning Strategies is the SETT Framework, typically used to determine assistive and instructional technology in a collaborative way. To determine appropriate technology tools, the SETT framework suggests viewing three factors in relation to each other a) each student’s current skills, special needs, and any functional areas of concern, b) environment parameters in the classroom and at home related to computer, personal device, and internet availability and access, and c) tasks required by each Stage of Instruction. Click here to listen to Jocelyn Washburn describe how the SETT framework helps us determine technology tools.

As we built the following table, we considered all these factors to develop a wide-range of technology solutions to accommodate for times when differentiating the type of technology per student, per environment, or per task. However, some schools or classrooms routinely use a digital platform (e.g. Google Classroom, Seesaw) that offers ways to meet the goals of each Stage of Instruction and will bring a needed sense of familiarity and efficiency for teachers and students. Additionally, technology selected may vary with opportunities for synchronous versus asynchronous teaching along with any access to a hybrid model of delivery (some face-to-face with some remote learning). Digital materials published by KUCRL & Edge Enterprises, Inc. are available. Click here for an example of how Seesaw can be used for both the Model Stage and Controlled Practice Stage.
Other online blogs and websites provide numerous ideas for how to engage students in online instruction. Here are a few recommended by SIM Professional Developers: