A Thank You Note from Jennifer-Ann

Learning SIM was the best thing that happened to me. When at College, I was very lucky to have Mr. Jim Knight as my English teacher. He strengthened my SIM. Before I went to college, I had a hard time writing sentences. But having. the opportunity to learning meaningful skills that would help me for the rest ofmy life has really paid off for me. SIM gave me freedom to language which I did not have before I went to college.

I use IM every time I writie and it helps me focus on my task.I write lots of letters to Officials and they need to be properly written.

Recently, I was awarded The Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal for outstanding Volunteerism for my fellow LD friends. I have written so many letters for my fellow LD individucals that I would have fallen flat on my face without SIM.

Every learning disabled individual should be taught SIM. Without it, they will fail on the task of writing. I have been using SIM for a long time, and it is automatic now.

I am. also writing articles for my coop's newsletter and every article I write, it gets easier to words on paper. I would not be as far ahead if I did not have SIM. I would like to see every student learn SIM, disabled and non-disabled, because it works.


Ottawa, Ontario, Canada