Meet Your SIM Virtual Professional Learning Presenters
Rosanne Arvin
SIM Professional Development Leader
Rosanne is a recent retiree who, after 40 years in special education in the public-school setting, finds herself still happily and actively engaged in the SIM Network. Rosanne has been a special education teacher, staffing specialist, and curriculum specialist, and through these roles has focused her career on learning strategies and reading instruction as it relates to intensive intervention for students performing significantly below grade level. The success students realize with intensive intervention keeps her motivated to continue learning and bringing the work to others.
Sarah Davidson
Professional Staff Developer, Middle School Exceptional Student Education & SIM Professional Developer
Sarah has been an educator for 15 years, ten of them implementing, supporting, and providing professional development in Content Enhancement Routines. She has experience in secondary math, science, and virtual education.
Katelyn Hagen
SIM Learning Strategies Professional Developer, Middle School/High School Intervention Specialist/Reading Specialist
Carla Lee
Systems Coach & SIM Professional Developer
Carla is a Systems Coach in the area of Literacy for Northwest Area Education Agency in Sioux City, Iowa (for 23 years). Prior to that, she was both a special education and general education teacher for students from Kindergarten to adults.
Marc Markell, Ph.D., CT
SIM Professional Developer
Marc is an educator and speaker who specializes in learning disabilities, psychology, grief and death. He has authored three books and numerous articles. Marc earned his doctorate from the University of Minnesota and teaches worldwide.
Sue Meyer
SIM Professional Developer
Sue has been a SIM Professional Developer for over 30 years and has worked with many teachers, schools, and districts over the years to to help them succeed in meeting the needs of their students.
Bonnie Palasak
SIM Professional Developer
Bonnie is a SIM Professional Developer in Learning Strategies, Content Enhancement Routines, and Xtreme Reading. Bonnie is a Middle Grades Education major and a Reading Specialist. Bonnie is currently providing professional development in SIM for the FL SPDG and the Arkansas Adolescent Literacy Initiative for the Mashburn Center for Learning at the University of Central Arkansas.
Rosemary Tralli, Ph.D.
SIM Professional Development Leader, Educational Consultant, Connecticut
Rosemary is an educational consultant with years of experience as a district assistant superintendent, curriculum director and teacher. She has served as an adjunct professor, writer, instructional coach and strategic planning facilitator. She is a SIM Professional Development Leader in Learning Strategies and Content Enhancement.
Jocelyn Washburn, Ph.D.
Director of Professional Development and Senior Associate Researcher, University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning
Jocelyn is Director of Professional Development and Senior Associate Researcher at KUCRL, as well as a SIM Professional Development Leader and Fusion Reading Professional Developer. Her leadership to the SIM Network includes sharing advancements in SIM Interventions, delivering high-quality professional learning and coaching, directly supporting regional and national update conferences. She co-develops and delivers professional learning and coaching with a focus on adolescent literacy. Additionally, she provides support and leadership in research proposal conceptualization, the development of research partnerships internal and external to KU, and the implementation of research methodology. Prior to coming to KU, Jocelyn worked with students with and without disabilities at the secondary level for nearly 20 years. She has served as a literacy coordinator, instructional coach, and special education teacher.
Susan K. Woodruff
SIM Professional Development Leader
Sue is a career educator and longtime SIM Professional Development Leader. She has been involved in public education in one way or another for over 35 years. Prior to retiring in 2001, she was a teacher-consultant at Muskegon High School in Muskegon, MI where she served as the School Improvement Chair. Sue’s interest and expertise is in the area of adolescent literacy. In the mid 90’s and early 2000’s Muskegon High School implemented several successful innovations which included reading and literacy interventions, peer mediation, and small learning communities for which the school has received national recognition. Since retirement, Sue has been involved in multiple research studies, providing ongoing SIM professional development and coaching, Content Literacy Continuum projects, instructional coaching, FUSION reading, and most recently virtual professional learning. Sue is currently a part-time professional developer and educational consultant working with schools and school districts to address the problems of adolescent literacy in today’s schools across the country.