CLLI: Post-Institute Expectations

CLLI: Post-Institute Expectations

Post-Institute CER Apprenticeship Expectations:

With guidance from an institute instructor(s) and support from a SIM Mentor, apprentices will complete a set of tasks to show skills and competencies embodied in a SIM Professional Developer. These tasks typically take 1-2 years to complete. We highly encourage apprentices to complete these requirements within two years to maintain momentum in the process. Evidence from completion of these tasks will be presented as a portfolio on BadgeList under the SIM Content Enhancement Professional Developer badge. While logged into your BadgeList account, click the "Join Badge" button for this badge.

Click here for a Word version of the CER Apprenticeship Expectations Table (.docx)

The "Experiences/Tasks" column represents how the candidate can demonstrate the competencies and skills shown in the first column. The “Differentiation Options” column provides examples of how those tasks can be adjusted or modified for candidates with different needs. Any differentiation adjustments to the tasks are determined collaboratively with and will be approved by the KUCRL PDL facilitating the process. The final column shows which evidence and where to post the evidence on Badge List.

Post-Institute LS Apprenticeship Expectations:

With guidance from an institute instructor(s) and support from a SIM Mentor, apprentices will complete a set of tasks to show skills and competencies embodied in a SIM Professional Developer. These tasks typically take 1-2 years to complete. We highly encourage apprentices to complete these requirements within two years to maintain momentum in the process. Evidence from completion of these tasks will be presented as a portfolio on BadgeList under the SIM Learning Strategies Professional Developer badge. While logged into your BadgeList account, click the "Join Badge" button for this badge.

Click here for a Word version of the LS Apprenticeship Expectations Table (.docx)

The "Experiences/Tasks" column represents how the candidate can demonstrate the competencies and skills shown in the first column. The “Differentiation Options” column provides examples of how those tasks can be adjusted or modified for candidates with different needs. Any differentiation adjustments to the tasks are determined collaboratively with and will be approved by the KUCRL PDL facilitating the process. The final column shows which evidence and where to post the evidence on Badge List.

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