The Inference Strategy

The Inference Strategy helps older students make inferences about information they have read and answer inferential questions. Students learn to identify key words in questions or invent their own questions to help them search for important information as they read a passage, determine what type of question they need to answer, think about what they already know about a topic, find clues in the reading passage that will help them answer the questions, look for additional information, and answer the question.
In field tests, students who learned the Inference Strategy earned scores on a standardized reading comprehension test that were on average three grade levels higher after instruction than before.
Associated mnemonic learning device: INFER - helps you understand that when you "infer" something, you are making a deduction based on information given, not explicitly stated
This product is available through Edge Enterprises, Inc.
Please note that professional development, coaching, and infrastructure support are essential components to effective implementation of SIM instructional tools and interventions. It is highly recommended that you work with a SIM professional developer. See the SIM Event list for sessions or email to learn more.
Author(s):Nanette S. Fritschmann, Jean B. Schumaker, and Donald D. Deshler
Publication Info:Edge Enterprises, Inc. 2007
- Fritschmann, N.S., Deshler, D.D., & Schumaker, J.B. (2007). The effects of instruction in an inference strategy on the reading comprehension skills of adolescents with disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, 30(4), 245-262. Results of this multiple-baseline across-subjects study indicate students with disabilities can learn to use a strategy to answer inferential questions.
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