The Listening and Note-Taking Strategy

Listening and Note-Taking is an easy-to-learn strategy that helps students identify and quickly capture important information during a lecture, sort main ideas and details as they write, and study their notes to earn the best test grades possible. Listening and Note-Taking is suitable for instruction in core subject courses as well as supplemental skill-based classes.
In one study of 13 undergraduate college students with learning disabilities at a large university in the Midwest, students substantially improved their ability to take notes and correctly answer questions about lecture material after just four hours of instruction in Listening and Note-Taking. Student comprehension increased from a mean baseline performance of 28 percent to a mean post-intervention performance of 76 percent. In a second study of ninth-grade students with and without disabilities, students who learned the Listening and Note-Taking strategy increased the number of main ideas, key words, and details they recorded in their notes.
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Author(s): Gwen C. Berry, Donald D. Deshler, and Jean B. Schumaker
Publication Info: University of Kansas, 2011