Pam Leitzell

Pam has worked in various projects across the United States, helping schools successfully implement SIM through a focus on the Content Literacy Continuum. She is currently collaborating with North Carolina's Exceptional Children Division's Program Improvement and Professional Development Section to support adolescent literacy throughout the state. Prior to her work as a consultant, Pam worked in the public school systems teaching special education and serving as a secondary special education coordinator. She was a school improvement leader in her home district of Holland, Michigan, where she helped to initiate a district-wide CLC project, which eventually earned Holland Public Schools the SIM Impact Award. Pam is also a past recipient of the SIM Leadership Award. She received her M.S. in Special Education at West Virginia University.
Conference Sessions
Tuesday, July 11th
10:30-11:45 am
Xtreme Reading: Tips and Tools
Presenters: Leitzell, Higginbotham
Wednesday, July 12th
2:15-3:30 pm
Infrastructure: Creating Conditions for Successful School Change
Presenters: Leitzell, Crawford, K. Mitchell