Strategic Tutoring

With Strategic Tutoring, a tutor not only helps a student complete and understand an immediate assignment but also teaches the student strategies required to complete similar tasks independently in the future. The primary focus is on teaching skills and strategies that support learner independence.
Research results showed that students in strategic tutoring improved their achievement test scores in reading comprehension, written expression, and basic math skills. On average, their grade-level achievement scores increased by 10 months during a four-month instructional period. In contrast, students in a comparison group without the strategic tutoring instruction experienced a mean gain of only 3.5 months during the same period.
This product is available through Edge Enterprises, Inc.
Please note that professional development, coaching, and infrastructure support are essential components to effective implementation of SIM instructional tools and interventions. It is highly recommended that you work with a SIM professional developer. See the SIM Event list for sessions or email to learn more.
Author(s): Michael F. Hock, Donald D. Deshler, and Jean B. Schumaker
Publication Info: Edge Enterprises, 2000
- Strategic Tutoring Research (pdf)
- The Beginner-Level Professional Development CD Program For Strategic Tutoring Research (pdf)
- The Advanced-Level Professional Development CD Program For Strategic Tutoring (pdf)
- Hock, M.F., Pulvers, K.A., Deshler, D.D., & Schumaker, J.B. (2001). The effects of an after-school tutoring program on the academic performance of at-risk students and students with LD. Remedial and Special Education, 22(3), 172-186. This article describes two studies in which researchers found that at-risk students and students who have learning disabilities could earn average or better grades if they had the support of trained adult tutors.
- Hock, M.F., Schumaker, J.B., & Deshler, D.D. (2001). The case for strategic tutoring. Educational Leadership, 58(7), 50-52. This article makes the case for strategic tutoring as an effective model for teaching students how to learn while helping them with class assignments.
- Hock, M.F., Schumaker, J.B., & Deshler, D.D. (1995). Training strategic tutors to enhance learner independence. Journal of Developmental Education, 19(1), 18-26. This study evaluated the effects of training traditional academic tutors hired to work with underprepared university-level student athletes to implement a strategic approach to tutoring.