Dan Boudah

Daniel J. Boudah is a Professor in the Department of Special Education, Foundations & Research and former departmental Director of Graduate Studies at East Carolina University. Dr. Boudah previously taught general education and special education in public schools. He has been awarded federal, state, and foundation grants, and carried out school-based research in the areas of teacher planning and inquiry, learning strategies, content enhancement, systems change, collaborative instruction, and dropout prevention. He has published work in professional journals, textbooks, newsletters, and teacher training materials. Dr. Boudah has spoken at numerous national, international, and state conferences. He has received awards for excellence by the Council for Exceptional Children, the Council for Learning Disabilities, and the American Educational Research Association. Dr. Boudah has conducted many professional development, curriculum design, program evaluation, grant and foundation proposal development, and system change activities with public and private schools, as well as public and private agencies to develop and support services to low-performing and at-risk students. In addition, he is a past president of the Council for Learning Disabilities. Dr. Boudah's continuing professional interests include programs and services for low-performing students and students with disabilities, learning and instructional strategies, the Content Literacy Continuum, dropout prevention, and systems change.
You can contact Dr. Boudah at:
252.328.1782 or boudahd@ecu.edu