SIMposium Kaleidoscope Session

Wednesday, July 12 - 2:15-3:30 pm - - - The Kaleidoscope will include multiple topics and presenters. You will have 20 minutes at each table and then get a chance to rotate, meaning that you will get to choose 3 tables during the session time.

Kaleidoscope Table Topics:

Click on accordions below for topic descriptions

Discussion: Evaluation Rubric for Collaborating Around the SMARTER Instructional Cycle

Presenter: B. Keith Lenz

We will share data and discuss findings from RCT studies measuring the impact of two comprehensive programs designed to meet the transition needs of adolescents with LD. Skills related to transition were assessed for student-identified goals, level of hope, class attendance, retention, grades, acquisition of self-determined behaviors, and fidelity of implementation. The studies measured the impact of Possible Selves and Possible Selves plus the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction on student transition outcomes.

Presenters: Mike Hock and Tonya Eberhart

If English teachers spend half of class time teaching writing strategies, what can they do in the other half? Teach literature! This session will focus on a literature course that has been constructed of Content Enhancement devices associated with four novels. Participants will discuss their ideas related to an instructor’s manual for using literature devices.

Presenter: Jean Schumaker

An overview of the SIM Math Strategies.

Presenter: Margaret Flores

It’s time to light a new fire in SIM professional development with our HOTR Routines! Come check out what’s being developed and explore how you can spread the word about these incredibly powerful and engaging routines.

Presenters: Jan Bulgren and Darren Minarik

Have questions about the Webquest?  Get them answered here.

Presenter: Jocelyn Washburn

How Do We Talk to School Administrators in an Era of Covid Learning Loss? A Kaleidoscope Conversation

Presenter: Dan Boudah