Jocelyn Washburn

Jocelyn Washburn is the Director of Professional Development for the Strategic Instruction Model (SIM™) Professional Developers Network and a Senior Research Associate for the Center for Research on Learning. She is a SIM Professional Development Leader and Fusion Reading Professional Developer. Her leadership to the SIM Network includes sharing advancements in SIM Interventions, delivering high-quality professional learning and coaching, directly supporting regional and national update conferences. She co-develops and delivers professional learning and coaching with a focus on adolescent literacy.
Conference Sessions:
Tuesday, July 11
8:30-10:15 am
Welcome and Awards
Presenters: Washburn, Hock
Wednesday, July 12
8:30-9:45 am
General Session: Introducing KUCRL's Adaptive Professional Learning Model (APLM)
Presenters: Myers, Washburn, Rowland
10:00-11:30 am
Adaptive Professional Learning Model – Online Tool Exploration
Presenters: Myers, Rowland, Washburn
1:00-2:00 pm
Leading Sustainable SIM Implementation with School Partners
Presenters: Tralli, Washburn
2:15-3:30 pm
Kaleidoscope Session: Webquest Q&A
Presenter: Washburn
3:45-4:45 pm
Leadership Pathways into and Within the SIM Network
Presenters: Washburn, Creneti
Thursday, July 13
10:30-11:45 am
Presenters: Myers, Washburn